When I run Wireshark while opening a file on that appliance I am seeing lots and lots of the. Microsoft-ds [ACK]. Jujitsu Card Game. Help, I do not understand what I am seeing.

Microsoft Wireshark Alternative

Below is the 15 Packet run that is a sample of the problem. I have a large Wireshark pcap file with this pattern repeated in it. Odd Server 2003 File Sharing Problem. 248.98.60 TCP 54 appworxsrv >microsoft-ds [ACK]. Back and review the wireshark log to see if there are any. I'm new to wireshark. Xerox Dc 700 User Manual here. (installed it today) I'm just looking at the traffic and noticed this kind of packages: 60261 microsoft-ds [syn] seq=0 Win=8192 Len=0 MSS=1460.

SYN means that a connection is attempted, the DS in microsoft-ds stands for directory services, but actually this port is used for SMB over TCP, which is Windows file sharing or printin (or SAMBA on Unix/Linux). It uses port 445. Steel Panthers World At War Patch 8.4 more.

Wireshark Vs Microsoft Network Monitor

If you see a lot of packets like this coming from your machine without you sharing any files it my be an indication of a virus or worm. SAMBA/Windows file sharing should only be used on LAN addresses (commonly as it is not intended for Internet use and there have been many security vulnerabilities in the implementation.

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