The Economics Of Uncertainty And Information Laffont Pdf

Economics of uncertainty and information, by laffont, the economics of uncertainty and information, by laffont, j j, mit press the economics of imperfect information, by phlips, l, cambridge university press. The Economics of Uncertainty and Information by Jean-Jacques Laffont starting at $21.95. The Economics of Uncertainty and Information has 1 available editions to buy.

With an eGift, you can instantly send a Great Course to a friend or loved one via email. It's simple: • Find the course you would like to eGift. Values Based Leadership Program more. • Under “Choose a Format,” click on Video Download or Audio Download.

• Click ‘Send e-Gift’ • Fill out the details on the next page. You will need the email address of your friend or family member. • Proceed with the checkout process as usual. Once you have paid for your order, your friend or loved one will receive an email letting them know that they have a gift waiting for them at That gift will be added to their My Digital Library when they log in and click to redeem it. Why do I need to specify the email of the recipient?

We will send that person an email to notify them of your gift. If they are already a customer, they will be able to add the gift to their My Digital Library and mobile apps. If they are not yet a customer, we will help them set up a new account so they can enjoy their course in their My Digital Library or via our free mobile apps.

How will my friend or family member know they have a gift? They will receive an email from The Great Courses notifying them of your eGift.

The email will direct them to What if my friend or family member does not receive the email? If the email notification is missing, first check their Spam folder. Depending on your email provider, it may have mistakenly been flagged as spam.

If it is not found, please email customer service at () or call 1-800-832-2412 for assistance. How will I know they have received my eGift? When the recipient clicks on their email and redeems their eGift, you will automatically receive an email notification.

I don’t want to send downloads. How do I gift DVDs or CDs?

EGifting only covers digital products. To purchase a DVD or CD version of a course and mail it to a friend, please call customer service at 1-800-832-2412 for assistance. The recipient already owns the course I gifted. Great minds think alike!

We can exchange the eGifted course for another course of equal value. Please call customer service at 1-800-832-2412 for assistance. Can I select a date in the future to send my eGift? Sorry, this feature is not available yet.

We are working on adding it in the future. What if the email associated with eGift is not for my regular Great Course account?

Please email customer service at () or call our customer service team at 1-800-832-2412 for assistance. They have the ability to update the email address.

When purchasing a gift for someone, why do I have to create an account? This is done for two reasons. One is so you can track the purchase of the order in your ‘order history’ section as well as being able to let our customer service team track your purchase and the person who received it if the need arises.

Can I return or Exchange a gift after I purchase it? Because the gift is sent immediately, it cannot be returned or exchanged by the person giving the gift. The recipient can exchange the gift for another course of equal or lesser value, or pay the difference on a more expensive item. Economies are deeply complex systems. The global marketplace—even national, state and local economies—involve many economic actors behaving in rational and irrational ways, sustaining a dizzying array of interconnected activity. Because of the number of participants involved in this global exchange, the unpredictability of their actions, and the sheer variety of possible actions, some degree of economic uncertainty is inevitable.

In one of the most dramatic displays of economic uncertainty in our times, a wave of toxic loans almost brought down the American financial system in 2008-2009, and with it jobs and savings. Few experts forecast this catastrophe, which stands as a lesson in the power of economic forces to defy our predictions. This event may have been exceptional, but every day we are all at the mercy of economic uncertainty in matters such as these: • Stock market: Although the stock market has a long-term upward trend, short-term volatility can wipe out a large fraction of an investor’s wealth in a single day.