Personality Plus Ebook

The NOOK Book (eBook) of the Personality Plus by Florence Littauer at Barnes & Noble. FREE Shipping on $25 or more! A revealing 'personality profile' self-test and Littauer's insightful advice help readers better understand themselves and others. A best-seller. Hidden Markov Model Matlab.

This book helped me gain a deep and accurate picture of myself. In addition, it has helped me to understand others. I regret that I was introduced to it so late in my life.

In my opinion, this book should be a requisite in every high school in America. I strongly encourage everyone to read it. Synopsis There are 4 basic personality types created by some ancient Greek dude back in the day. All of us humans will have characteristics of each type. You take a personality assessment in the beginning of This book helped me gain a deep and accurate picture of myself.

In addition, it has helped me to understand others. I regret that I was introduced to it so late in my life. In my opinion, this book should be a requisite in every high school in America. I strongly encourage everyone to read it.

Encyclopedia Of Kettlebell Lifting. Synopsis There are 4 basic personality types created by some ancient Greek dude back in the day. All of us humans will have characteristics of each type.

You take a personality assessment in the beginning of the book to determine your strongest types. If you're like me, you'll have 1 dominant type, and a second sub-dominant type. It seems that most of us are wired that way, but that is not always the case. Some of us will be more balanced. Then the book goes into detail about the strengths/weaknesses of each type and how to overcome your handicaps and accept them in others. The author further offers some suggestions on how to improve relations with people based on the knowledge of the different personality types and being able to identify those in yourself and others.

I had many 'holy cow!' Moments when reading this book and found it a real joy. Anytime I learn amazing and insightful information that is instantly applicable to my life I get excited! This book will change your life if you've never been exposed to this information before. My perspective has changed as a result of the information passed on to me from reading Personality Plus and the author has delivered on her intent on making a 'better me' through the understanding of different personality types and the application of that new-found knowledge in my personal relationships. Need I say more?:).

I thought this book was pretty gimmicky. The conceit of it is that there are four basic 'temperaments': Popular Sanguine, Peaceful Phlegmatic, Powerful Choleric, and Perfect Melancholy. The idea is that you can identify your own tendencies and those of the people you interact with, and adapt suitably. For example, Popular Sanguines are fun, talkative, outgoing, have great ideas & get fired up about them, but they are flaky, self-centered, & lack organization & follow through.