Sims 3 Height Slider Horseshoes

Geat idea, but this has been covered a lot in the Ideas and Feedback setion. The main problem with this being implemented is that a lot of the animations would have to be re-done to support all the different height options.

Some examples of this would be two Sims kissing or even picking up plates of counters as these will be height specific. Can't they just set the minimum height the size of child and the maximum height the size of an adult? We shrink as we age so I would think shrinking the elder sims would be more 'realistic' too. Children can pick up plates and hug and I think even kiss on the cheek so I would think it shouldn't be too hard to program in.

13 Escalones Del Mentalismo Pdf. If they can't increase the height, at least have the option to decrease. Could make for more interesting looking adult Sims. I'm sure as technology progresses they will figure out a way to work this in.

Sims 3 Sliders Cc

I do like this idea and hope in one of the future Sims Games it will be added. I'm sure this has all been discussed before but thanks for bringing it up again as the more requests they get the more priority it will be given:-). I agree with this, but I also realise that if you had a tall teen sim, how tall would they be when they are an adult? If you had a tall child, how would you determine their height as a teen?

You know that's actually a good question. At the same time, I had a friend back in jr.

High who was taller than most of the girls in my school at that time (She was like 5'6' or so), however, the last I saw her (she moved around our sophomore year), I was actually about two inches taller than she was (I'm 5'8'), so in RL, just because someone is tall for their age at one point in time doesn't mean they're always going to be tall, so it'd be tricky in game to figure if a tall kid was always gonna be tall or if the just got tall sooner than everyone else. Although if we're getting horses in the game a height slider would make a lot of sense, because when you're riding a horse your height and weight both have alot of impact on how tall your horse has to be and all that, a tall person would look odd on a short horse, as their legs would hang too far past the sides of the horse to be effective when cueing the horse to move. Also, in horse racing,most jockeys are fairly short usually around 5'2, 5'3 (at least in the US don't know if its the same in the rest of the world) so you'd want to create shorter sims and taller sims for that purpose.

I don't quite get how a height slider would make a bunch of glitches though. Okay, the little video of the glitchy cc height slider, doesn't mean all height sliders would be glitchy, there's likely a way to make one that doesn't glitch the animation so much, I'd think. Of course, if there is one, it'd probably need like a super computer just to function:roll. There is a functioning height slider. I use it a lot since I like my sims to be different heights. A lot of animations that require sim to sim contact are really out of place though, and short toddlers tend to sink through the floor. It doesn't need anything special to function.